Sunday, February 4, 2007

Feb 4, 2007

My challenge today was to keep trying to get more shots in focus than out of focus. I was so excited that it worked!!! The lighting was great. I took note of the time (12 pm) so I could use that sort of light again. I was so excited that all the pictures taken at that time had both eyes in focus and great color. I just calibrated my monitor again yesterday so please tell me what you think of color, composition and focus...ok-EVERYTHING! Thanks! ETA: settings were ISO 200, ss 1/400, f 1.8


Sarah Heggie said...

Love both of these! Great color and clarity. She's gorgeous!

Tiffany said...

WOW!!!! I love the colors!!! how did you do this one, Donna? I hope you can share, is this SOOC.

Thanks for the comment for mine, I'm going to do some editing when she picks her photo and I will do what you suggest, clone the window panes.

I love your DOF, as you can see, I'm still struggling with mine.

. said...

Thank you so much Tiffany! I just took this one in my living room. You can see the dining room chair in the background. I wanted to blur that as much as possible so I used f1.8. I shoot RAW and was very happy I didn't have to do too much to this photo. I added some contrast and lightened a bit in curves-then sharpened and that was it. :)

Sara D. said...

Love the color here! I would try to move her out of the direct sunlight just a bit on the second one so you don't get that little bit that's blow out on the bottom right corner. TFS!!

Two Peas Photo Challenge