Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jan 30, 2007

I didn't think I'd ever see Barbies again. I've always looked forward to having little girls. I wanted to dress them up, put up their hair and watch them play dolls. Well, the dressing up and hair really only lasted until they were about 5 years old. They've never really liked playing with dolls and barbie interest was only about 5 minutes. Imagine my surprise when I saw a box with some barbies in it appear in the living room. I was even more shocked to see the girls playing with them. But...they don't really "play" with them. They dress them up and then ask me which one I like better. Of course, I have to say they are all beautiful or I will hear about it over and over. So, these are some of the barbies they have been dressing and undressing. The middle one with the plaid dress is the one they both think is "da bomb". LOL!


mel said...

love the composition and pure white backdrop--- awesome job!

They look like they are in line waiting for something...

Monica said...

very nice the way you captured these! Looks like a magazine cover!

Great job!

PS. My daughter never liked playing with Barbies either..but dolls were a whole different story!

Lauren Hartman said...

Yes, the plaid dress Babrie is definitely "da bomb!" Fun photos and great colors!

Dar Kaso said...

Fun shot of the Barbies!

Patti said...

That middle one is a bit glam isn't she.

Sue said...

yes, we have lots of barbies - the total playing time has not exceed more than 5 minutes I think. I think when they get older they may pop out again ;) I love this picture - It's fun and colorful :)

Two Peas Photo Challenge